A Computer Class

A Computer Class
Photo Found At: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Computer_class.jpg

Outside Of Rawlinson

Outside Of Rawlinson
Photo Found At: www.ourpower.ca/solar_works

Monday, May 17, 2010

Questions To Students About Rawlinson Community School.

Do you enjoy going to Rawlinson Community School? If you are in Grade six, will you be sad leaving Rawlinson? How would you feel if you have to come back to Rawlinson after leaving? If you went to another school before Rawlinson, did you like that one better? If you are able to change something about Rawlinson, what would it be? Would you want your children to go to Rawlinson? Have any of your parents or relatives went to Rawlinson as a child? If yes, how was it like back then? Please leave comments answering the questions if you want.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The 201 Blog Assignment of 2010 For Computer Class.

The 201 blog assignment of 2010 for computer class is basically the students choosing a topic and writing about it. First you choose a topic that you want to write about, that could be your title. You have to write about what it will be about and a bunch about it. Then you have to set up your blog and make it look the way you want it to look. After that you have to write eight posts about your topic. You could add accessories if you want. You also have to make sure it looks okay, for example: do not have red text and a red background. If you complete everything Mr. Ball told you was needed and you tried your best you will probably get a good mark.

About School Computer Class.

School computer class was made when computers were more common to the regular household. In about 2000 they started becoming average. Many things are found on the computer and many things need a computer to access them. A computer is helpful when information needs to be found quickly and many things are now made on a computer. Computer class was made for children at an early age to get used to using computers seeing that they were being used more in life. In computer class they teach the students how to type, to be able to find information from safe sites and to do many more things. School computer class is helpful because when the students need to know how to use a computer they can.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

More About Rawlinson Community School.

Rawlinson Community School was officially opened in 1921. It is located at 231 Glenholme Ave. Rawlinson represents over 40 different languages. They have a strong art program and the music program has a Strings teacher, a Steel Pan teacher and an Orff teacher. They have bake sales and craft sales and a book fair and fun fair each year. Every year Rawlinson goes in the Hoops/Jump Rope for Heart and the MS Read-a-Thon. They also hold a French Speech Arts Competition for Core French, Extended French and French Immersion students each year.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

About Room 201 Computer Class at Rawlinson Community School.

2009/2010 Room 201 Computer class teacher is Mr. Ball. At the beginning of the year we didn't actually have our computers. Instead we sat in a desk and Mr. Ball showed us educational videos. I think for a term we didn't get computers. I think something was wrong with our normal computer lab so they were trying to fix it or get new computers or something. It's good now because almost everyone has a computer. Though because 201 is such a big class we don't all get one. The people who don't get one share for the class then next class they get first in line to be fair. The first project we had to do was to make our own blog. There is a due date to hand it in before and certain exceptions to complete or fail.

The Rawlinson Community School Schedule For Students.

The Rawlinson Community School Schedule goes by Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4 and Day 5. Each day the students have different classes. They have a homeroom teacher and many others for subjects like: Health, I.T, Gym, Library, Music and for Juniors, French.There are also children that are always or almost always in French or have different classes sometimes but I don't really know how that works. Each day the students have a subject with a teacher other then their homeroom one, sometimes they have two. The Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 has been recently made. It is because if you have a class on Friday or Monday you may not have every single one because of P.A days or Holidays or other reasons school is not open for lessons that day, so if Day 5 is on Friday and there is no school that day Day 5 goes to Monday.

Monday, May 3, 2010

About The Rawlinson Community School Website

Rawlinson Community School Website address is: http://www.tdsb.on.ca/libraries/links.asp?schoolNo=6367. On the Site there are many things made to help students with their schoolwork. Like there are Online Encyclopedias, Internet Reference Works and Quick-Start Internet Searches. It has information about the Website. There are Subjects Links and French things on the Site. There are Teachers' and Parents' Resources on the Rawlinson Community School Website.

About Rawlinson Community School

Rawlinson Community School is an Eco- School. It is owned by the Toronto District School Board. The Principal is Mrs. Sarno. The Vice-Principal is Mr. Paluzzi. Rawlinson is an English/French school. The grades of Rawlinson Community School go from J.K to Grade 6.